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Winner - Cover Your Hair Giveaway

I want to thank each of you for entering this giveaway! We had 120 entries - which is great! Thank you for retweeting, blogging, and spreading the words to your friends!

We have a winner - chosen at random by random.org

Congrats Nicole C. !!

Make sure to check out my current giveaways:

I also have a Giveaway Linky that I just started - so make sure to go & enter in your giveways! A new one will be most on Wednesday, at Midnight!


Chic Bambino Tutu & Bonnet Giveaway!


I have a wonderful giveaway for all of you with a little princess {or diva} in your life! I had the opportunity to review a Tutu & Puff Beanie Bonnet from Chic Bambino, a local {and very chic} Baby Boutique only miles from my house! Christine, the owner and creator, has such a talent & creativity - especially when knowing she has a house full of boys!! It's safe to say that any mommy that I meet in my community that has a little girl, will be receiving one of Christine's cards and many praises for her wonderful shop, customer care, and adorably cute items!

Here is a little bio:

Chic bambino is focused on making your little one the most stylish baby in town! From tutus to tiaras...beanie caps to trendy bibs, your little prince or princess will be pampered from head to toe. All of our products are invented and/or made by moms! Chic bambino provides chic style at an affordable price. With a variety of unique and stylish products to choose from, I'm sure you'll find something to pamper your little bambino!

Giveaway is a small (0-12 months) handmade tutu and puff beanie bonnet. This is an adorable set!! Tutu is handmade by Christine, with three colors of soft, layered tulle. Puff beanie bonnet is made to match, one size fits most. This is a chic bambino original design so you won't see it anywhere else! Tutu has an elastic waist so it can stretch beyond 12 months for lots of wear for your little princess.
This is the set that you will be winning! Isn't it just adorable! Really makes me wish I had a little girl - I asked Mister Monster if he would put this on and model it for the blog...know what he told me "Are you crazy woman! I ain't puttin that thing on! I'm not no Giiiiiiiiirl!" It was priceless!
At Chic Bambino will you find more than just "Too Too Cute" Tutu's - Christine has everything from hair clips, to tiaras, diaper cakes, dolls, and so much more!
Here's how to Enter:
Mandatory: Head on over to Chic Bambino and look around - let me know what you liked the most! {It's going to be hard, Christine has created so many wonderful items!!}
Extra Entries

Tweet about this giveaway: #giveaway Enter to win a Tutu & Beanie Combo from Chic Bambino & @ManicMommyMeg Ends 6/11 http://tinyurl.com/2v948r7 (leave link)

Follow Just Another Manic Mommy on Google Friend Connect

Subscribe to Just Another Manic Mommy on Feedburner

Place Just Another Manic Mommy button on your blog (leave link)

Enter another giveaway of mine (let me know which one you entered)

Blog about this giveaway {3 Entries}- Leave link so I can show you love

Buy any item from Chic Bambino {5 Entries} Tell me what you bought!

Giveaway ends at 11:59PM CST June 11, 2010, winner will be drawn using random.org and will be contacted via email by justanothermanicmommy{at}gmail{dot}com. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to email or forfeit prize, in this case, the prize will be drawn at random again and a new winner will be chosen. Just Another Manic Mommy was mailed the above mentioned items to review. All opinions and statements in this blog are my own and belong to Just Another Manic Mommy. Pics are courtesy of ChicBambino.net.


We have a winner! Congrats Meeko - you are our Fabulous winner! This tutu will look great on you! ;) Make sure to send a pic, k? lol - Thank you everyone for entering - make sure to check back often, I have a ton of great giveaways coming up!


Thursday Giveaway!

Make sure to subscribe to blog by FeedBurner: Here so you wont miss out on adding your giveaways and entering others! I want to wish each & Every one of you Good Luck! And I hope you win!

I will also personally enter the top 10 giveaways every week!
So it pays to link up early!

Make sure to enter my current giveaways if you have't already:
$40 CSN Store Gift Card to spend on what YOU want! Ends 6/29 (11:59pmCST)

$25 in Free Hair Accessories from CoverYourHair.com ends 5/28 {Tomorrow} at Noon CST

(Post My Button on your Blog)



PINT - Tues 5.25.10

Warning: My Post It Notes went in backwards - so the story starts from the bottom up! I'm too lazy to switch them around, haha! But its sort of funny to read them from end to start, too! Thank you for stopping by to read this post! You rock! :)



100th Post - Flip Flops!

Got an email from Old Navy today & had to share what it said....

Saturday May 22nd, Old Navy stores (in store only) will have Classic Flip Flops for $1

Do you know how awesome that is?! I have an addiction ladies & gents...and it's flipflops! I could wear flipflops in the rain, in the mud, in the snow, in the ice, in HELL! I cleaned out my closests yesterday and I had, no joke, 12 pairs of flip flops that had not been worn yet!! (They were purchased last summer).

But that's not the point of the story here, point is, get your butts to Old Navy first thing in the morning & stock up on Summer Flops! I know I'll be there...waiting...in the parking lot...with war paint on! Just like Black Friday in my neighborhood tomorrow gals, but instead of toasters for $5 its $1 pairs of flops!

Little old ladies best not be in my way - I will chuck norris them to get to those adorable zebra striped fops in a sz 8!

PS. This is my 100th post! Whoo!!

Celebrate good times c'mon....celebrate!


Giveaway Alert - $25 from Cover Your Hair

$25 in Hair Accessories

Today's Giveaway is brought to you by Coveryourhair.com

I received the black studded head wrap. I choose this hair accessory to test & review because let's face it ladies, somedays we just do not want to do our hair! I am a sucker for stretchy headbands, but they have to be CUTE & stylish. I thought the studded headband was a great choice for me - and I must say - it is! I wear this headband almost everyday
(which shows my complete & utter laziness to wash my hair on a daily basis)
 but thats ok, because its just so stylish and easy to rock!

Coveryourhair.com has many, many different items to pick from. They have hats, hair clips, bandana's, headbands, scarfs! If you wear it, they have it! The prices are great, too! Comparable to what you would see at a large chain (Walmart, Target). Make sure to check out their website to see all the adorable accessories you can get to dress up your hair!

Onto the fun stuff...the giveaway!

One very lucky winner will win $25 in hair accessories, they will be random, but Coveryourhair.com does not make a bad product!

Here's how to win:

Visit Coveryourhair.com & tell me which hair accessory you would purchase

Extra Entries:
Subscribe to Just Another Manic Mommy
Follow Manic Mommy on Twitter
Become a Fan of Just Another Manic Mommy on Facebook
Follow CoverYourHair on Twitter
Follow Cover Your Hair on Facebook
Put my botton on your Blog/Site
Become my friend on Google Friend Connect
Blog about this Giveaway (include link in comment) *3 Entries

Each of these are worth 1 Entry, please leave a seperate comment for each Entry! Winner will be chosen at random with random.org- Giveaway will end on Friday, May 28th at 12:00pm CST!

*Just Another Manic Mommy was compensated with 1 Free review item from Coveryourhair.com, all opinions are strictly those of Meg.


Pre-K Graduation

Last night was a huge milestone in Mister Monster *And mines* life! He graduated Preschool! The ceremony was absolutly adorable, they even marched in to the room with the Graduation Procession! I will admit right here, right now, I bawled like a baby! It's all starting to sink in that my little man is longer a baby!

It was only yesterday....

Seems like last night he graduated Pre-K, this weekend he starts Kindergarten and Next weekend he goes off to college! Time sure does fly. I'm an emotional wreck just thinking about here!

But without further adieu...here's some pictures from last night!

3 Very Rotten Boys! :)

Mommy, Daddy, and MM

MM Wanted to do a silly face! Daddy lookin at us like we're nuts!

4 generation photo with my Grandma, Mom & MM


Look at me! & Winner Announced

Thanks to my bloggin BFF, Amber (Zanydezines.com), I have a new look  and feel to my blog! What do you guys think? Did she do an awesome job or what?  If you like what you see, head on over to ZanyDezines.com and hop onto her waiting list! It's starting to fill up!

Thank you Amber, for putting up with my pain in the ass'ness and continuing to work with this annoying & anal perfectionist! I love the new look! :)

Now onto the winner.....

*Drum Roll Please*

The winner for the 50% Zany Dezines Blog Layout goes to....

You have 48 hours to respond to your email & claim your prize!

Thank you to everyone who entered, I have more giveaways coming up! Make sure to check them out!


Giveaway:: 50% off any Blog Design at ZanyDezines.com


My good bloggy buddies Amber at Amber's Life aka. The Zany Blog Deziner and Brittany at Not Your Average Teen aka the Zany Card Deziner have asked me to help get their new business off the ground!

So what did I say..

Umm....Heck Yes I will!

Amber has designed more than one thing for me & she truly is AWESOME at what she does! If you can think it up, she can make it happen for you!

Wanting to get a new look for your blog? Jealous of all those super awesome blogs out there with there unique Headers, Backgrounds, and title bars?

 Well this is your chance to have that Blog Makeover you have always wanted! I have teamed up with Zany Dezines to offer YOU:

50% off any Blog Design Service!

Check out Amber's Portfolio HERE!

How to Enter:
Please leave a seperate comment for each entry + UR email so I can contact you if you win! 

Subscribe to My Blog 
 (if you are already subscribed you get to add an entry stating that your subscribed!)

Extra Ways to Win:

  • (Each worth 1 Entry)

  • 1. Follow ManicMommyMeg on Twitter

  • 2. Follow ZanyDezines on Twitter

  • 3. Become a Fan of Just Another Manic Mommy on Facebook

  • 4. Become a Fan of Zany Dezines on Facebook

  • 5. Subscribe to my Macaroni Kid E-Newsletter

  • 6. Buy a Twitter Background from Zany Dezines to help Support Mission Monkey!  (It's only $5 and $4 will be donated to Mission Monkey)

  • 7. Tweet this giveaway: I want to #win a blog makeover #giveaway from @zanydezines and @manicmommymeg http://bit.ly/bsVOPa

  • 8. Grab Zany Dezines Button: Make sure to leave your blog site so I can ck it out!

  • 9. Get your name added to Zany Dezines Design List & Pay the Deposit - Whether it's for Cards or Blog Design! <-- 5 Entries!! Make sure to leave a seperate comment for each entry.

That gives you a total of 14 Entries to win this giveaway! So get to it!

***Giveaway ends on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 at 9:00pm CST - Winner will be announced on Thursday, May 20th and will be contacted via email - winner will have 48hrs to claim prize! Winner will be drawn via random.org***



PINT - Post It Note Tuesday

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And I'm Back....For good this time!

Hey there gals! (and guys!!) I'm sorry that I have been on Haitus so long, but this girl is BACK...in BLACK! Well...mostly pink...I like pink! :) Black makes you look so gothicy...but anyways...

Alot has happened in the last few months....I almost moved to Kentucky,

almost bought a new house,
(It was beautiful BTW)

almost transferred jobs,

and almost got engaged.

Now what actually happened.....

We resigned our Lease here in St.Louis
I'm staying at my present job, BUT

added 2 others to the pot - Scentsy & Macaroni Kid

I have not gotten my shiny donut

however, Chris better hurry up, or I'm going to shank him!!

I'm not lying...I'll shank his ass! No really...crazy cracker bia here!

But we are leaving for a week in the Happiest Place on Earth in 18 days!

That is something to look forward to...a 13 hours car ride with a 5 1/2 year old, Chris, and both of Chris' parents. Mind you, I love his parents, but being stuck in the back with Jay & his mom for 13 hours just doesn't sound like a good time.

But once we make it to Florida - good times will be had!

Anyone want me to pick up a set of Mickey Ears for them? Hey - that gives me a great giveaway idea!!

But I must say I am most excited about being a Publisher Mom for West St. Louis Macaroni Kid! If you would be so kind as to subscribe to my newsletter - that would be AWESOME!
And My Facebook Page...
And why not my Twitter Account while you're at it?

If you don't do it now...you know I'm going to make you in the form a giveaway....

Consider yourself WARNED!

That is all for now...but stay tuned for Post-It Note Tuesday....Oh how I have missed cheap post-it therapy!!



Manic Memes I Love

Thursday: Obviously MARvelous