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::Giveaway:: Spice up your Valentine's Day

*Contest is Now Closed - Winner has been announced! Go Check out the Current Ones Here *

Warning: This review/Giveaway was written as Tastefully as possible. The Eden Fantasys link is not suitable to open at work or around children. If you are under the age 18 - do not read any further or click on the links.

After having my son, I noticed that it was harder and harder to find time to make love to my other half. Either I was to exhausted from chasing him around the house all day, I just didn't feel sexy from the baby weight gain, or the fact that I hadn't showered in 3 days for lack of time. Every woman goes through this dry spell with their partners. No one ever told me that having sex post baby was going to be such a chore or hassle.

Even if you haven't had a child yet every couple goes through a time where doing the dirty just isn't happening as often as we would like. Thanks to Eden Fantasy's there are great ways to spice things up in the bedroom.

Eden Fantasy's allows you to shop from your living room so you don't run the risk of running into the blabber mouth down the street. All items purchased are sent discreetly so no one knows you have purchased that Sex Swing you have always wanted. There are reviews from actual customer's just like you and me and the biggest reason is selection of items. They carry everything from help books, lingerie, edibles, toys and even items for the tiger in the bedroom. So everyone can find something that would suit their wants, needs, and desires based on their comfort level. (No judging here)

I was contacted by Eden Fantasy's to do a product review on the Sweetheart Chocolate Box by Kama Sutra - and boy was I happy I did! This box arrived in the mail and it looked like something from Godiva. So rich & expensive looking (retails for $26.99). Everything about this kit is gorgeous - Would be the PERFECT gift to give someone on Valentine's Day!
Inside the box you will get Chocolate Crème Brülèe Body Soufflé, Dark Chocolate Body Paint, and Chocolate Honey Dust. Along with a paint brush and feather tickler. This kit just screams Yummy! What woman (or man) doesn't LOVE chocolate? This kit is very tasteful (in more than one way).

Now it's your chance to win! Eden Fantasy's and myself have partnered up to give ONE lucky winner a $25 gift card to use on anything that you desire. This would be a great way to get that special something for Valentine's Day or purchase that long awaited product to spice thing's up in the bedroom.

Please check head over to Eden Fantasy's and check out their wide selection of products - I promise you will not be disappointed. Now on to how to win this great giveaway:

How to Enter:
- Entries will be received in the comments section of this post. All entries will be verified. You MUST leave a valid email address with EACH entry, I will not hunt you down (this means if you do NOT leave your email and that comment is picked - I will generate a new number and go to the next person).

  • (Mandatory Entry) Please head over to Eden Fantasy's and leave a comment about 1 item you would purchase for Valentine's Day (or anyday) to help spice up things in your love life.
-Extra Ways to Win: (leave a comment + email for every entry)
  • Subscribe to EdenCafe - Eden Fantasy's Blog (2 Entries)
  • Subscribe to Just Another Manic Mommy (2 Entries)
  • Follow Eden Fantasy's on Twitter (1 Entry)
  • Follow Just Another Manic Mommy on Twitter (1 Entry)
  • Retweet this giveaway & leave link (1 Entry)
RT @ManicMommyMeg Giveaway: Spice up your Valentines Day w/$25 gift card from Eden Fantasy's http://bit.ly/d4WkS8
  • Become a Fan of Eden Fantasy's on Facebook (1 Entry)
  • Become a Fan of Just Another Manic Mommy on Facebook (2 Entries)
  • Post my button on your blog (2 Entries)
  • Blog about this giveaway and leave link in comments (4 entries)

This giveaway will end Wednesday Feb 10th at 8pm CST - winner will be selected randomly by Random.org - all entries who do not have email address included will be disqualified. Winner will receive email from myself and have 48 hours to respond or new winner will be chosen.

*Disclosure: This review is based strictly my opinion. Others may have a different opinion or experience with the product listed above. EdenFantasys provided the Sweeatheart Chocolate Box and I provided my honest opinion. No other type compensation was received for this review.*


We have a Winner

Winner of the Ouch Pouch w/First Aid Kit *$25 Value Winners Choice*

Congrat's Ellen - Thank you everyone for playing! I have another great (& Sexy) Giveaway coming up! Please make sure to play!



Great Tool - Free - Wireless Amber Alerts

This May be Scary to think about- But is worth the read!

How many children are reported missing each year?
The U.S. Department of Justice reports: 
  • 797,500 children (younger than 18) were reported missing in a one-year period of time studied resulting in an average of 2,185 children being reported missing each day.  
  • 203,900 children were the victims of family abductions.  
  • 58,200 children were the victims of non-family abductions.  
  • 115 children were the victims of “stereotypical” kidnapping. (These crimes involve someone the child does not know or someone of slight acquaintance, who holds the child overnight, transports the child 50 miles or more, kills the child, demands ransom, or intends to keep the child permanently.)

On my way to work this morning I heard a commercial on the radio about WirelessAmberAlerts.org it's a great (& FREE - No text message charge) service where you can get local Amber Alerts for your area. I have never had my child abducted (Thank the Lord) and I can't imagine the heartbreak and fear that goes through a parents mind when you find your child is missing. The physical, mental, and emotional pain they suffer during this tragedy.

I went online and looked up this web address and immediatly signed up to recieve the free texts (All major carries have an agreement with this iniative to not charge their customers to receive texts click here to see if your carrier supports this program.) for Amber Alerts in my area. You can put up to 5 zip codes into your preferances. If a child goes missing in one of these zips they will send a  text to you with a description of the child and who the possible abductor is.

I pray that I never recieve one of these texts, but in the case that I do, I truly hope that I can help locate this child and possibly help save their life.

I hope that you, as many of you are parents, will sign up for this iniative. What if your child(ren) went missing? Wouldn't you want others to get the alert and help keep an eye open for your child? I know I would.

So go to WirelessAmberAlerts.org and sign up. Just Think. Something as simple as a text message could save a child's life. A child is calling for help right now, will you help locate them?

Ladies - If you feel compelled to blog about this iniative - please do! I really want to spread the word about this website - let's get those kids home, back to their families, in their own beds. Please let me know if you do a post about it - I'll make sure to come & Check it out.

Thank you for reading!

*I was not compensated in any way or contacted by the above mentioned website. This post has my own opinions and thoughts, I posted because I wanted too. Photo credits go to wirelessamberalerts.org*


What I Meant to Say - Stupid Drivers

If you haven't already joined Chief's Hump Day Meme - get yer ass on over there & do it!

Why? Because it's awesome.

And all the cool kids are doing it.

Don't you want to be a cool kid?

There's Drinks & Cupcakes
(Ok, maybe not really...but it would be cool if there were!)

Now if that doesn't get you over there, IDK what will!

Now on to my What I meant to Say Post:

Went by a car dealership the other day just to look around when I saw a Motor Home pull up that looked like it was a set piece for the movie Twister.
(LOVE that movie)

I asked the salesmen what had happened to it...he told me that the driver decided to put it on cruise control and then walk to the make to make a sandwich. I just knodded and said "Wow...".

What I really meant to say was:

Ps. This may have offensive language - BEWARE

Are you fucking kidding me?! What genius puts his car on cruise control and then decides it is a GREAT IDEA to walk to the back and make a fucking turkey sandwich on Rye?! I mean really? It's not friggin Auto-Pilot you moron! That dumbass' licence should be revoked, like NOW! And never be allowed to ever get behind the wheel of a moving ANYTHING ever AGAIN!

I just want to get that guys address and call him a friggin idiot! He should have "I'm the biggest dumbass in the world" tattoo'd on his forehead.

Wow...Haha - I'm not sure I can beat this next week!

Isn't he the cutest?
He kinda looks like the guy driving the motor home, I betchya!



Happy Birthday!

Guess who is turning 50 today....


Who doesn't love some bubble wrap in their life?

Today is a day of celebration as we think back at all the great memories we have had with our dear, dear bubble wrap. So to show our love for this fun, yet functional product - I want to join the train for Bubble Wrap Appreciation Today!

Here's some FUN just so you can help start the birthday celebration:
Virtual Bubble Wrap - for your bubble popping urge when you all yours is popped! So go get your Pop on!
How do you Pop your Bubbles? - A great Survey - Don't forget to take it! :)
Bubble Popper Personality Test - How does your popping style reflect your personality??

Great Videos to make you smile or maybe even giggle??

So Put on your best Dress:

Your Comfiest Shoes:

And Let's do the Bubble Wrap Dance:

Thanks for stopping by this silly post - I just wanted something alittle light and goofey today! But it really is Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day - So spread the word! :)


::Blog Award::

I am always jealous when I see my fellow blogger's getting awards for how awesome their blogs are but this time, I know how it feels! Thanks to Annie at The Amazing Shrinking Girl who gave me this "Happy 101" award. I feel loved now too!! :)

As with all awards, there are rules to accepting them. To accept the "Happy 101 award", I need to 1.) acknowledge the person who gave it to me - Annie, 2.) list ten items that make me happy, and 3.) award it to ten other bloggers.

10 Things that Make me Happy:
1. My family - Mister Monster & Chris
2. My Music - I am always listening to music - from the time I wake up to till I go to bed!
3. My Friends - You guys rock & I love u!
4. Blogging - I love getting to know others & meet new peeps!
5. Movies - I have a HUGE collection of DVD's (around 400 or so) & I am always at the Theater
6. Concerts - There's nothing better than live music especially with a great Band & great friends!
7. My iPhone - I dont know what I would do without you!
8. Taking Pictures - I'm no photographer but I love capturing memories on camera.
9. Margarita's with the Girls - Nuttin better than a good drink with great girlfriends!
10. St Patty's Day - My FAVORITE Holiday of the year! I tend to always go all out for this holiday! (I even have a 4 leaf clover tattoo on my big toe!!)

Now onto the FUN part - I get to tag 10 wonderful blogs! (Not in any particular order) But I want to give this award to a few smaller blogs - to make them feel all warm & fuzzy on the inside! Like I did when I recieved it!

  1. One Girls Journey to the Alter
  2. Adventures of a Yankee Girl
  3. http://jdlhumes.blogspot.com/
  4. Confessions From a Working Mom
  5. http://www.theumbels.com/
  6. Amber's Life
  7. http://cathyhasantsypants.blogspot.com/
  8. http://www.petersonstlouis.com/
  9. Two Little Monkeys Plus Hubby
  10. Adoption of Jane
PS - Make sure to check out my latest Giveaway! Ends on Saturday!


::Giveaway:: Got a boo-boo? Grab your Ouch Pouch!

*This Giveaway is OFFICIALLY closed! Thank you for all who played!*

Has your little one every gotten a boo boo while at the park or at the beach? Do you find yourself scrambling for bandaides at the bottom of your purse or diaper bag?  I know I did - before I got my new OUCH POUCH®. Karen, owner of  Pillow Sew Cute has created a great (And super adorable) First Aide pouch that's small enough to fit in a purse but big enough to hold everything you need to make your little one's boo boo's feel better!

Karen, the owner & creator of the OUCH POUCH® has developed a compact first aid travel bag, designed with fun fabrics (check them all out here) and clear vinyl front with a snap closure. This great Pouch will neatly hold all of your owie supplies in one savvy little tote. These would be a the perfect gift to New & Expecting Mothers - Stocking Stuffers - Baby Shower Favors. You can take your OUCH POUCH® anywhere - to the park, beach, camping, sports practice,  Disney World - they possiblities are endless.

When my Ouch Pouch® arrived in the mail my son just HAD to help me open it. His eyes lit up when he saw the Dum Dum sucker waiting in the pouch. I explained to him that this sucker was for when he gets a boo boo - this sucker had special powers to make him feel ALL better. Not even 10 minutes later he "pretends" to fall on the ground and says he scrapped his knee and now had a boo boo. I couldn't help but laugh with his performance so we slapped a bandaide on his non existant boo boo and I gave him the sucker. Immediatly he said he felt MUCH better and off he went. I just love my new Ouch Pouch® and I plan on taking it with me everywhere!

Empty Ouch Pouch® sells for ONLY $5.95(BASIC Pre-Filled for $12.95, SUPER LOADED for $24.95)
(They have a clearance sell as well - great time to stock up for Christmas this year!!)

Need an idea of what to put into your Ouch Pouch® ?
* A SMALL INHALER * A LOLLIPOP to make the BOO BOO all better!

We wanted to make sure that one of my reader's would be prepared in the instance that their little monkey's get a boo boo while away from home so Karen has agreed to give one lucky winner their very own "Pre-Filled" Ouch Pouch® of their choice ($24.99 value)! And if you are anything like me - it will take you an hour to find just ONE that you like.

Here's how to enter:
(Make sure to put your email address on every entry or you will be disqualified)

Main Entry:
Please head on over and check out the Ouch Pouch® store & tell me how you will use your Ouch Pouch® if you win!

Extra Entries:
  • Subscribe to my blog either by RSS or Email (1 entry)
  • Become a facebook fan of Just Another Manic Mommy (1 entry)
  • Follow Me on Twitter(1 entry)
  • Retweet the giveaway (1 entry)
  • Put my Button on your blog (2 entries)
  • Blog about this giveaway (3 entries)

Just a few Quick Things:
 Please leave a seperate comment for each entry & don't forget to leave your email adress, Facebook & Twitter Ids as well as the links to your tweet, if you post my button, and if you blog about this giveaway - don't forget to leave the link to your post!

This contest will end Saturday, January 30th at 9pm(EST) and the winner will be drawn at random.
I will send an email & the winner will have 48 hours to respond in order to recieve items.
Good Luck!

Also - If you purchase an Ouch Pouch and you win the giveaway Pillow Sew Cute has agreed to refund your purchase price & shipping! If you do purchase one of these adorable accessories please tell her that Meg at Just Another Manic Mommy sent you!

* I did recieve 2 Ouch Pouchs for this review. The review/statements are strictly MY opinion. For more details, my disclosure policy can be found here. *



The Young vs The Old(er)

"Teenage pregnancy is not a "crisis" or "epidemic," like so many people would like us to believe. The only true epidemic associated with teen pregnancy is the overwhelming and universal lack of support available to young mothers. The only true crisis is the denial of the fact that teenage girls can be, are, and always have been, both sexual and maternal beings, with the capacity to love, procreate, and nurture.

We love our children fiercely. We protect and care for them like any mother, of any age, would. " (Quoted from Girl-Mom)

Some back History on Me:

When I was 16 years old - I was a happy high school Junior, involved in many extracirriculars (Cheerleading, Cross Country, FBLA, Spanish Club, Yearbook, and FTA.) I also had a part time job to make my own money because I was brought up to be very independent, even if I was an only child I do not believe in relying on anyone else. I had a 4.0 GPA and top 10% of my class. That year I met my future son's father - he was older (alot older) he was 22 when we met. We started dating and shortly after my 17th birthday I found out that I was pregnant, this was at the end of my Junior year. There were rumors floating around when I didnt try out for cheerleading & cross country prior to summer but I just told everyone they were rumors.

I didn't know how to cope - my family supported me every step of the way and told me that no matter what decision I made about this little life growing inside me, they would always be there for me. Which is more than ALOT of other young moms endure when this happens to them. For that I am blessed. The summer passed and of course I started showing my baby bump when my Senior year arrived. I put on my big girl pants and I marched into those halls ready for anything anyone had to say. To my surprise - No one said anything mean. Everyone including the teachers asked questions and were there to help me when I needed it.

I decided to join the Parents as Teacher's program they had through my community & I learned alot about how to cope, how to parent, and what to expect. They were an amazing group of young moms that I could relate to. I still went to class everyday up until the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy which was the end of 1st semester. My school agree'd to send a teacher to my house 3x a week to homeschool me so that I could continue my education. I had enough credits to graduate at the end of 1st semester, so I decided to do that. I had all of my college credits completed as well - So I knew I would be ready for college.

I had my son on Dec 12th, 2004. He was beautiful and everything I thought he would be - including the poop, pee, and puke. Being a 1st time mom was NOT easy but I was lucky enough to have my mother & my grandmother with me to help if I had any questions or concerns. Some young moms do not have such an amazing support system around them. January 2005 I started college (Thats 2 semester's prior to my graduating class BTW) taking 18 hours a semester both on Campus and Online so I could be home with Mister Monster. I never took a break - I had classes Spring, Summer & Fall.

It was hard to keep up with my studies & being a mom to this amazing little being but I did it. And I kept a 3.5 GPA the entire time. I found time to study while Mister Monster was sleeping or nursing and I played with him every moment he was awake. After College, I got a great job in Sales and here I am today. A 22 year young (almost 23) mommy to a 5yo boy. Would I have changed anything? No, I dont think I would. I can't see my life without Mister Monster in it. I am lucky enough to have him with me everyday, he gets to grow and learn with me. I am blessed to be able to keep up with him, get out there and play soccer and get down and dirty with him.

So despite all the cliche's not all young mothers are poor, broke, crack addicted and high school drop outs. I graduated EARLY from highschool and finished college a YEAR before others in my senior class and I make a really good living working in Sales. I can support my child with my hard earned cash, I am NOT on any state help or aide & I own my car. I can honestly say that I have proven most of the cliche's to be incorrect about young Mommies & I love it!

I know this was super long & I want to apologize for that but this is something that I feel very strongly about and I wanted to share my story with you guys. I hope that you continue to read my blog, as some people are completly against young mums, similiar to how some didn't think women should vote or people of other colors shouldn't have the same rights as us.

U guys rock! Thanks for reading & commenting *if you choose to do so*


Post It Note Tuesday -

Superstickies picture
Superstickies picture
Superstickies picture
Superstickies picture
Superstickies picture
Superstickies picture

OHHHH I love Post It Note Tuesday! Now get you ass on over to Supah Mommy's and join the fun!


10 things that make me happy...

Thank you Heather at Two Little Monkeys Plus Hubby for tagging me to do 10 Things that make me Happy! I am really excited to join the fun! Here's my 10:

1. Waking up to Mister Monster every morning! I love the morning snuggles & kisses! I don't even mind the cartoons as long as I get a good snuggle!
2. Spending time with Chris - he always knows how to make me happy.
3. Starbucks coffee on a Spring Morning - people watching.
4. Being on the beach - I love the ocean & everything is has to offer.
5. Spending time with my Family & Friends - I don't get to see them NEAR enough.
6. Road Trips with no purpose! I love to just get in the car & drive - doesn't matter where as long as I can have the radio on & the window's down. Not much better than that.
7. My iphone! It really makes my everyday life easier! Love the apps! Especially my blogger ones!! :)
8. Meeting new people - I am always open to meeting potential new friends!
9. Sushi - Oh my goodness! I can't even think about life without it!
10. My Blog & this awesome Blogging community!

Now I get to tag 10 other bloggers to do list there 10 things they love!

  1. Cathy @ Antsy Pants

Also, if you are looking for some new reads - you better check these girls out! They are some *a very small portion* of my favorite reads! I think you will love them just as much as I do!



And we have a winner....!!

I want to say Thank You to everyone to entered to win this adorable giveaway - but sadly only one person can win! And that winner is.
...Drum roll please....
Here are your random numbers:


 Timestamp: 2010-01-17 02:22:40 UTC
From Random.Org

Congratulations!  For those of you who did not win my giveaway - you still have another chance to win! Head on over to Peas & Thankyou's Facebook Page and you can enter to win another set! Giveaway starts on January 18th through January 20th! Head on over, become a fan & stay up to date on this adorable shop!

Winner, you have 48 hours to email me with your address so I can send it to Pea's & Thank You's or you will forfeit your prize!

I want to send a special THANKS to Jill, the creative person behind the adorable creations at Pea's & Thank You's for hosting this giveaway on my blog! You rock girl!


Hey! I got a Question...

I see all these creative bloggers come up with Carnivals & Meme's for their readers & I want to start one!

I am always joining the multitude of other bloggers by participating in their blog carnivals, linking my post with Mr. Linky, and jumping from blog to blog to meet other cool peeps like myself!

I've met ALOT of great ladies (& a few gents) by hopping on the bandwagon - what do you guys think?

If I started a blog carnival...would you participate?!

Would you be willing to plop my button on your blog & visit at least 1 other blogger that day?

I need some feedback ladies! I think it sounds like a real hoot...

yep that's right...i said HOOT!


About Me - The Manic Mommy

My Names Meg & I am a 20-something Mommy of 1, Mister Monster. I work full time outside of the home, but I love it. I am very stir crazy & I love working with people. I enjoy blogging, traveling, and catching up on the DVR in my spare time. I am very family oriented and I call my mother & grandmother everyday. I am a very open minded, opinionated, goofey, a little bit strange, but very spontaneous person who loves to meet new people & get's excited waaaay to easy over the smallest things! Welcome to my blog!

This is Big Daddy, Chris, he is the love of my life. We have been together for going on 3 years now & it's been an amazing journey thus far. He is not Mister Monster's biological father, but has really stepped up to the plate. Mister Monster & Big Daddy are inseperable - they have such an amazing bond. Big Daddy tends to be very sarcastic & has a dry humor, a bit of a video addiction problem & loves football! We are not married "yet" but one day in the future - we will make sure to say "I Do".

This is Mister Monster - age 5! He is the breath in my lungs! Mister Monster is a very active, goofey preschooler who's always looking to have fun. He has got quite the imagination & will make friends with anybody! Mister Monster just loves having his picture taken & strives to make people laugh - I see a future class clown right here!

That is Me & my family! We're just a big bunch of goof balls - but we really enjoy life! Thanks for stopping by!

Contact Me:



What I meant Say...

This is the second week of What I Meant To Say Wednesday over at Chiefs place! Get yer butt over there & join the fun! Or...or...I'm send this little guy to come see ya:

And no one wants to see a squirrel with a grenade launcher show up on their front door step!

To the boyfriend when asking if he could go out with his buddy last night
"Sure honey, have a good time, don't drink to much, I'll see you in the morning"

What I really meant to say
 "You better be home by 1am, If you have a buzz or smell bad- You're sleep on the couch, and if you EVEN think you're going to get some early morning nookie - you got another thing comin!!"

To the Bia who I spoke to about my credit card this morning:
So I can't close out this account? It hasn't be used in almost a year and it has no remaining balance! Fine, I'll just cut it up and throw away the card.

What I really meant to say:
Listen here you lazy, cunt. I know you can close out my account - you better do it before I get on the phone with your supervisor! I guarantee my account will be cancelled after I get done with him - and you may not have a job!
*that one was kinda harsh - sorry bout that*

To my new Assistant Manager:
Welcome to our store - I hope you like it! We are happy to have you! You did a great job at your old store.

What I really meant to say:
You do your thing and you let me do mine! I don't need someone breathing down my neck all day, you stay on your side of the floor & there won't be any problems! I don't need someone else on my case everyday - I've got customers for that. Besides - you're face reminds me of someone I strongly dislike. So watch out!
*for those of you who are new to my blog - I work for a cellphone carrier*

Wow I feel better already - Thanks Chief for letting me get that off my chest! :)
 I also want to make a quick shout out to some of my favorite blogs! You girls rock!

Cheif - for doing this awesome Carnival! & for rockin' socks!
Supah Mommy - for crackin mah shit up everytime I read her blog!
Princess - for awesome posts & planning out trip to Cabo *cheers*
Shell - You're hilarious! & brutally honest - I like that!

If you have a few moments - make sure to go & check out these girls blogs - they are truly great reads & I promise that you will love them!

PS. Make sure to go check out my giveaway! Ends on Saturday! Click Here to get taken to that post!



Post-It Note Tuesday

One of my Fav'o'Fav blog carnivals! So head on ova to Supah Mommy's blog & get it on the action!

(For those of you who don't know what the LOGO channel is - it's a PRIDE channel - I watched RuPaul's Drag Race last night, didn't think to change the channel!)

(In all truth - I'll prolly be the 1st one voted off the island!!-But it's fun to taunt)

(You are kickin butt with P90x and shedding the pounds! Keep it up girl!)


Friend Makin' Monday - New Haircut

Over at {Ae Filkins} she is hosting Friend Makin' Monday, and this week, our question is:

If you cut your hair tomorrow, what would it look like?


My hair is already shoulder length, but If I could do anything with my hair tomorrow, I think I would go with something liket his:

HAHAHA - Was kidding on that one! Purples Not my color, I look better in hot Pink! :)

Ok, The real hairstyle would look something like this:

Well crap...NO...that's my hair ALREADY looks like. This is tough!

I think I would get extensions and get my hair done like Megan Fox - maybe get a quick tan, be looking Smokin' hot!

And I woud possibly get my family pictures done like this:

What do ya think?? Hot!

Now go link up and show off what your 2010 hairstyle is going to look like! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

PS. While you're on my blog please click HERE and enter my 1st giveaway! It's for a really cute set of Pirate Valentines - Handmade! Thanks! :)

The Simple Woman's Daybook - Jan 11, 2010

If you would to like join Peggy, Myself, and the other lovely ladies for The Simple Woman's Daybook - please head on over and link up!

FOR TODAY... from Meg's Daybook

Outside my window... I see snow, still covering the ground! Roads are cleared up really  well but you can still see the untouched snow in the trees on and on the ground around my house.

I am thinking... about how to live my life to the fullest this year, I want to set goals and meet them this year.

I am thankful for... everything that I have in my life - a beautiful family, a home, a car, food, and friends. I am also thankful that Spring is just around the corner!

I am wearing... a sloppy mess of whatever was clean this morning! :)

I am remembering... everything at the moment - I want to use last year as my guide of what NOT TO DO this year!

I am going... to Disney World in just a matter of months! Will be my 2nd time EVA and Mister Monster's first time! Can't wait to see how he does!

I am currently reading... nothing, sadly Ive been to busy to pick up a book and get started.

I am hoping... for a productive 2010 & to get where I want to be in terms of fitness and weight.

On my mind... that I'd rather be at home with Mister Monster than at work right now.

Noticing that... I keep looking for a new job that would allow me to stay home more with Monster, but not finding anything where I make even close to what I'm making now. Its tough.

Pondering these words... Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

From the kitchen... Still have Christmas all over it! I need to make a time to clean up all the decorations and recyle the tissue paper & wrapping paper!

Around the house... Mostly cleaned - I spent all weekend cleaning & making it look pretty!

One of my favorite things~ This week we shall say one of my favorite things are meeting new people. Tomorrow I have a mommy group that I am going to, where I will be the youngest person there but this will allow Mister Monster to meet new friends, more kids his age that he can play with outside of Preschool.

From my picture journal...

I just love sunsets! They are so beautiful & Tranquil!

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Please go here & enter my giveaway! You could win a set of 24 Pirate Valentines - they Arrrr adorable!!


:::Vlog::: - Asking YOU the reader some questions

While Mister Monster was napping - I thought it would be a great time to record a quick Vlog!

Hope you don't mind -

But I just wanted to ask you a few questions directly - please comment below & give me your opinions, advice, & thoughts! Thank's guys!

And I want to apologize for the stuttering - this was improved and no practice went into it! Just turned it out & let it fly!

So please post your comments below! I look forward to reading your advice! You guys rock!


:::Giveaway::: Adorable Pirate Valentine Favor Tags

*This giveaway is now closed!*

I have a wonderful giveaway for you this week!

Jill over at Peas & Thank You's has agreed to giveaway a set of 24 Pirate Valentine Favor Tags for one lucky reader!

 Just in time for Valentine's Day these adorable Pirate favor tags Arrrrr the perfect addition to any child's goodie bags! You could even use them for classroom exchanges or party favors!

Kid's already have their Valentines? Thats ok too! You could mail them & let a special someone know you are thinking of them or use them as scrapbook embellishments! There are many creative things you could do with these SUPER CUTE Pirate tags!

Winner will have their choice of "No Bones" or "Love Pirate" and will recieve 24 tags!

Here's How to Enter:

Go check out Jill's Etsy Shop: Peas & Thank Yous then leave me a comment telling me which of her items you liked the best! Don't forget to leave your email address or you will be disqualified! (1 Entry)

  • For Additional Entries:

  • Become a Facebook Fan for Peas & Thank Yous (1 Entry)

  • Become a Facebook Fan for Just Another Manic Mommy (1 Entry)

  • Follow Just Another Manic Mommy on Twitter! (1 Entry)

  • Tweet about this giveaway & link back in your comment (1 Entry) - Once per day!

  • Post my button on your blog (1 Entry)

  • Blog about this giveaway - don't forget to leave the link! ( 2 Entries)

Please leave a seperate comment for each entry  & don't forget to leave your email adress,  Facebook & Twitter Ids as well as the links to your tweet, if you post my button, and if you blog about this giveaway - don't forget to leave the link to your post!

This contest will end Saturday, January 16th at 9pm(EST) and the winner will be drawn at random.
I will send an email & the winner will have 48 hours to respond in order to recieve items.
 Good Luck!

* I did not receive any money compensation for offering this product as a giveaway. The review/statements are strictly MY opinion. For more details, my disclosure policy can be found here. *



Manic Memes I Love

Thursday: Obviously MARvelous