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::Blog Award::

I am always jealous when I see my fellow blogger's getting awards for how awesome their blogs are but this time, I know how it feels! Thanks to Annie at The Amazing Shrinking Girl who gave me this "Happy 101" award. I feel loved now too!! :)

As with all awards, there are rules to accepting them. To accept the "Happy 101 award", I need to 1.) acknowledge the person who gave it to me - Annie, 2.) list ten items that make me happy, and 3.) award it to ten other bloggers.

10 Things that Make me Happy:
1. My family - Mister Monster & Chris
2. My Music - I am always listening to music - from the time I wake up to till I go to bed!
3. My Friends - You guys rock & I love u!
4. Blogging - I love getting to know others & meet new peeps!
5. Movies - I have a HUGE collection of DVD's (around 400 or so) & I am always at the Theater
6. Concerts - There's nothing better than live music especially with a great Band & great friends!
7. My iPhone - I dont know what I would do without you!
8. Taking Pictures - I'm no photographer but I love capturing memories on camera.
9. Margarita's with the Girls - Nuttin better than a good drink with great girlfriends!
10. St Patty's Day - My FAVORITE Holiday of the year! I tend to always go all out for this holiday! (I even have a 4 leaf clover tattoo on my big toe!!)

Now onto the FUN part - I get to tag 10 wonderful blogs! (Not in any particular order) But I want to give this award to a few smaller blogs - to make them feel all warm & fuzzy on the inside! Like I did when I recieved it!

  1. One Girls Journey to the Alter
  2. Adventures of a Yankee Girl
  3. http://jdlhumes.blogspot.com/
  4. Confessions From a Working Mom
  5. http://www.theumbels.com/
  6. Amber's Life
  7. http://cathyhasantsypants.blogspot.com/
  8. http://www.petersonstlouis.com/
  9. Two Little Monkeys Plus Hubby
  10. Adoption of Jane
PS - Make sure to check out my latest Giveaway! Ends on Saturday!

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